
Free Consultation

We will review your goals and academic background and provide an overview of our approach and curriculum and review the tutoring option that serves you best.

For Regional Competitors

Group Classes

Prepare for success at your regional Brain Bee

Thorough coverage of Brain Facts

Experienced tutors guide you through complex topics with clear explanations

Get prompt responses to your questions

Regular in-class quizzes to maximize your retention

Get constructive feedback to fill knowledge gaps

Beginner and intermediate students accommodated

*Specific dates will be released soon. Please sign up for a free consult for more information.*

Register Syllabus



List Price: $800.00

For Regional or National Competitors

Private Classes

Designed for you to place in the top 10 in the National Brain Bee

Proceed at your pace

Cover all sections of the National exam thoroughly

Get prompt responses to your questions

Access to a dedicated Google Drive folder filled with curated notes, quizzes, videos, and additional reading materials

Focus on your strengths and areas for improvement

We track your progress and target specific areas that require attention

Intermediate and advanced students accommodated
